Friday, November 28, 2008

Fat And Happy

On Tuesday I (Scott) drove to Jackson MI and stayed at Brian's house - and on Wednesday Mom and I drove back to Lebanon. She will be here for a few days helping us celebrate Thanksgiving and catching up on our lives. Brian and family should arrive on Saturday and will head back home on Sunday with Mom in tow.
For Thanksgiving dinner yesterday it was the four of us - Lee Ann, Annie, Mom and me - versus a huge feast of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie (plus a bunch of other stuff). We gave a good account of ourselves and have been laying around in a collective stupor ever since. Annie thought the table was so impressive that she had to take a picture - then commented that it looked better in real life. There is a larger truth in that somewhere, and I am still thinking about how to wrap it into a neat phrase.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I'm new to this blog business HELP!! have a look at my idea and see what you think.
