Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Big News!

Today Annie took the maneuverability portion of her driver's test in Hamilton (a town about 20 miles from here). She passed the test, and now has her license. WooHooooo! Tonight she drove herself to work and back, and cruised around Lebanon a bit to enjoy her new freedom.

This should make life easier for the parental units.

Last night, Annie held down the fort at home while the parents attended the "Angels of Music" dinner and music show at the Cincinnati Zoo. The dinner and silent auction were to raise money for The Angel Fund, which supports efforts to protect cheetahs in the wild and the Zoo's captive breeding program. This was a fun event for about 700 people, which we never could have afforded to attend except that Lee Ann rides with Cathryn Hilker, who is the driving force behind the whole cheetah program, and she gave us free tickets. The event was in a giant tent and most people came in safari attire - I never knew there were that many bush jackets and pith helmets in Cincinnati. The music lasted until 10 p.m. and was live Broadway performers singing mostly show tunes and standards. They were terrific. Emcee was Erich Kunzel, director of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. It was one of those society pages type events that we never go to, very interesting and different from our usual big night out of Taco Bell and a movie.

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