Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year - Old Blog

A year ago I became discouraged with Blogger and have been away ever since, Facebooking and such to fill the void.  I have missed writing here, and I see the site has been revised, so will try again.

It was a wild and crazy year for the McAlpines of Southwest Ohio.  The 2013 high points:

  • I (Scott) traveled like crazy for work.  Our company keeps getting bigger, and there are no more of us Corporate Safety folks to cover it from Cincinnati than there were, so we spend more time on the road.  I like my job and like traveling, but when I am gone I get less done at home, so renovation projects have suffered.
  • Lee Ann finally has a winner in her eight year old gelding Johnny.  He had condition problems in his first year with her (that means he was broken a lot) but lately has been sound and is jumping very well and she is happy.
  • Annie is slugging it out at Ohio State, now in her senior year.  She is working very hard and has a difficult work/school schedule but has kept going.  We see her when her schedule allows, which is not often enough.
  • The fun highlight of our year was a family vacation to Bermuda.  Lee Ann and I flew, but Annie met brother Brian's family in Boston and cruised to the island, where we met up for a few days of carefree screwing off.  The beaches there really are pink.
That is a very short synopsis of our year, and if you are reading this it's all stuff you knew already, I'll bet.  I promise fresh news in future posts.

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