Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One Egg - No Basket

All summer we have watched the pumpkin vines that sprang from last year's Halloween pumpkin snake all over the back yard. For weeks we have patiently waited for pumpkin fruit to begin forming. Now - success! We have ONE pumpkin on the vine. I had almost given up, thinking that we had an infertile hybrid or something.
This little guy is about the size of a baseball. Any size bigger than a muskmelon by the end of October will suit my purpose, but I'm not counting my Jack-o-lanterns yet. Typically our vine crops are polished off by boring insects just about the time whatever they are producing nears maturity (the downside of organic gardening!), so Jack may never make it to usable girth. But since optimism is just as cheap as pessimism, and more fun, I am dreaming of a BIG result.

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